An Act relating to state Medicaid program; requiring coverage of medically necessary donor human milk derived products under certain conditions; requiring certain reimbursement; directing promulgation of rules; authorizing adoption of certain policy or procedure; directing the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to seek certain federal approval; providing for codification; and providing an effective date.
2 Replies to “HB 1577 (2025)”
The Coalition of Oklahoma Breastfeeding Advocates (COBA) has highlighted that “human breastmilk” and “human milk-derived products” are not the same and studies have not shown to offer the same benefits to infants. Human breastmilk refers to natural milk produced by lactating mothers, while human milk-derived products is a processed product that lacks the full nutritional and immune benefits of natural breastmilk. COBA also pointed out that there are no standard rules to regulate human-derived breastmilk and OHCA will be required to dedicate resources to create them from scratch. Coverage of these products will also complicate SoonerCare reimbursements, further taxing OHCA.
Directs the Oklahoma Health Care Authority (OHCA) create rules for SoonerCare to cover human breastmilk.
Similar to Sen. Daniels’s SB 245 (2023).
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