Legislative Interim Studies

59th Legislature, 2024

What is an interim study?

Interim studies are conducted between regular legislative sessions. Legislators request these studies to gather research and information on specific topics. The requesting legislator selects experts to guide the exploration into the policy topic. While these studies rarely produce formal reports, they provide insight into legislative thinking and can inform future legislative action.

2024 Legislative Session

Even though the 2024 Regular Legislative Session has ended, interim studies are often continuations of policy discussions. For context on this year's studies, check out the bills from the previous session.

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Legislative Glossary

Have you asked yourself, "what the heck is Engrossed!?" Dive into our legislative glossary where you will find an extensive list of legislative terms. Be sure to check out our videos on how a bill becomes a law in Oklahoma!

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Making Contact

Sure, we could give you a link to find your legislator, but then what? If you have ever found yourself paralyzed not knowing what to say, check out this quick and easy breakdown on how to craft a communication with representatives.

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Senate Interim Studies

House of Representatives Interim Studies

About Metriarch®

Metriarch® is a statewide data collaborative that aims to normalize and broaden women’s health conversations in Oklahoma through data storytelling, resource curation, and interactive outreach events.

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We recognize that summarizing information is neither unbiased nor infallible; to summarize is to choose the information that will be highlighted. We are committed to learning and understanding the ways in which bias can affect the translation of complex material.