Women face unique barriers that can make it difficult to obtain goods and services that are important for their health, as well as that of their families.
These obstacles include challenges like limited financial resources, lack of transportation, or an unfamiliarity with or mistrust of the healthcare services and other support systems available to them.
Learn how Metriarch partners are making Oklahoma a safer, healthier place for women.
We track legislation that affects women’s health in Oklahoma. Here’s a peek at recent proposals with an impact on barriers to care.
HB 1168 classifies the possession of abortion inducing drugs as trafficking an illegal substance.
HB 1224 allows healthcare employees to deny care based on their conscious and not receive reprimand.
HB 1389 adds types of mammograms covered by health benefit plans.
HB 1575 creates a common application for benefit programs.
HB 1683 revises health insurance rules to permit patients to obtain a one-year supply of birth control in a single pickup.
HB 1742 penalizes administering abortion medication without consent and classifies Mifepristone and Misoprostol as scheduled drugs.
HB 2248 creates pilot programs for substance use prison diversion in rural areas.
HB 2270 requires coverage for caner genetic testing.
HB 2298 expands the ability of advance practice registered nurses (APRNs) to independently write prescriptions.
HB 3214 allows medical providers to deny care with no reprimand if it violates their beliefs.
HB 3934 expands the types of mammograms covered by health insurance.
HB 3955 makes it easier to access the Choosing Childbirth Act fund and adds substance use treatment to fundable services.
HB 4001 allows father to block an abortion.
HB 4152 changes the notice associated with mammogram result summaries.
HJR 1027 proposes a state question for voters on whether reproductive rights should be protected, with only limited exceptions.
HJR 1046 seeks to place a state question on the ballot to define personhood at sperm meets egg.
SB 109 requires coverage for caner genetic testing.
SB 1264 directs state employee health insurance plans cover cancer genetic testing.
SB 1271 requires tampons and pads in female restrooms in public schools.
SB 1285 creates a grant program for school districts to provide free tampons and pads to students.