Youth Health

Youth Health

Supporting the physical, mental, and social health of Oklahoma’s girls and young women is an investment in our state’s future.

Factors like food and housing security, access to safe, inclusive, and comprehensive education, and regular preventive and mental healthcare are all especially important for youth.

Learn how Metriarch partners are making Oklahoma a safer, healthier place for women.

We track legislation that affects women’s health in Oklahoma. Here’s a peek at recent proposals with an impact on youth health.

HB 1174 (2025)

HB 1174 requires curriculum and resources addressing human trafficking.

HB 1603 (2025)

HB 1603 mandates curriculum discussing human development related to pregnancy; Baby Olivia Bill

HB 2737 (2025)

HB 2737 adds marijuana use during pregnancy to child neglect definition.

HB 3120 (2024)

HB 3120 mandates sex ed be opt-in, removes community educators, and rewrites sex ed curriculum.

HB 3603 (2024)

HB 3603 eliminates the Interagency Coordinating Council for Coordination of Efforts for Prevention of Adolescent Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

SB 1271 (2024)

SB 1271 requires tampons and pads in female restrooms in public schools.

SB 1285 (2024)

SB 1285 creates a grant program for school districts to provide free tampons and pads to students.

SB 1479 (2024)

SB 1479 amends current revenge porn statute by altering who can be convicted, the actions that lead to a conviction, and increased sentencing. 

SB 1549 (2024)

SB 1549 adds secondhand marijuana exposure to felony child neglect.

SB 1563 (2024)

SB 1563 makes substantial changes to the Parent’s Bill of Rights: limit who can teach sex ed, opt-in only sex ed, and unlimited access to a child’s medical records.

SB 1778 (2024)

SB 1778 would criminalize “abortion trafficking” defined as concealing a minor’s abortion.

SB 1981 (2024)

SB 1981 dubbed the “Oklahoma Sexual Education Reform and Parental Rights Protection Act,” it outlines new sex ed curriculum in detail and requires parental opt-in.

SB 587 (2025)

SB 587 mandates curriculum discussing human development related to pregnancy; Baby Olivia Bill