SB 989 (2025)

SB 989 allows lawsuits against anyone who helps provide abortion medication to an Oklahoma resident, even if it occurs out of state.




Notes provided by Metriarch unless otherwise noted

One Reply to “SB 989 (2025)

  1. Allows civil lawsuits for wrongful death if a fetus (“unborn person”) or pregnant woman dies after taking abortion medication. Anyone who assists in obtaining the medication—including manufacturers, distributors, clinics, and private individuals—can be held liable, including joint liability, allowing for broader civil action. Lawsuits can be filed up to six years after the abortion.

    The bill explicitly does not affect access to contraception, including emergency contraception, and protects treatments to preserve the life of the mother such as care for ectopic pregnancies.

    Extends beyond Oklahoma’s borders, allowing lawsuits against anyone who helps provide abortion medication to an Oklahoma resident, even if the medication is dispensed in another state where abortion is legal.

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An Act relating to abortion; creating the Wrongful Death Protection Act of 2025; providing short title; defining terms; making certain individuals liable for wrongful death from abortion-inducing drugs; providing exception; specifying effect of certain provisions; providing certain affirmative defense; specifying certain burden of proof; establishing deadline for filing of civil action; disallowing certain defenses; voiding waiver of certain right; specifying applicability of certain provisions; prohibiting certain civil action against federal government; specifying extent of certain jurisdiction; providing certain exclusions; providing for extraterritorial effect; specifying venue for civil action; prohibiting certain transfer of venue; granting specified entities certain immunities; specifying applicability of immunities; prohibiting certain waiver of immunity; limiting jurisdiction of courts; providing certain construction; providing for severability; expressing legislative intent and declarations; providing for certain interpretation and enforcement; providing for codification; and declaring an emergency.